Fertilization & Weed Control

We specialize in the care of established lawns, including lawn fertilization, weed and disease control, and lawn aeration. For a healthier, greener, more weed-free lawn in Maple Grove, Plymouth, Delano, and the surrounding areas, Go Green Lawn Care is your best value in professional lawn care!

Get A Greener LawnFertilization FAQs

Weed Control

Weeds compete with desirable lawn grasses for water, space, light, and nutrients. They are very aggressive and can easily take over a lawn if not kept in check. Fertilization is key for your lawn's appearance but also for weed control. A thick and healthy lawn prevents weed seeds from ever germinating. We apply fertilizer to help combat weeds.

Core Aeration & Over Seeding

For many years, professional golf course greens keepers have known that the secret to a beautiful, dense turf is core aeration and over seeding. Core aeration is the process of making thousands of small holes in your lawn. These holes reduce thatch and break up soil compaction. This allows fertilizer, water, and oxygen to reach the root zone faster. The holes also create room for new seed to get under the lawn's surface, making core aeration and over seeding the perfect combination. The result will be new grass growth, as well as increased root development for existing grass. This creates a thicker, greener, healthier lawn.

Disease Diagnosis & Control

Lawn disease can be very difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to control. We are able to to do both. If you're on a regular program, we analyze your lawn's condition at every visit, will apprise you of the problem, and give you the solution to fix it.

Learn More About Our Fertilization & Weed Control Services 

If you are interested in learning more about our Fertilization & Weed Control services, please contact us today. We are proud to serve Medina, MN, and the surrounding areas. 

My lawn is now emerald green and weed free. — Justin, Maple Grove
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